Yesterday we managed to get a few things done in the morning while I was getting ready for our family to come over and play. First we used a bingo marker to mark the circles on a letter C. This went ok. Gooba did a combination dot and draw on the paper.
Next we used dry erase markers to color this caterpillar. I tried with the blue marker to show her to draw in the circles. She gradually got a little better with her control on this one. I enjoy how she will concentrate really hard for about 30 seconds and then just yell out DRAW! and scribble all over the paper. She cracks me up!
Next we colored a similar sheet with the letter C and a picture of a caterpillar. Gooba was done concentrating on her coloring at this point and just scribbled over the while paper. But she enjoyed herself, which is all that matters!
Then we, for some reason, worked more on marker control and tried to draw a line from the campers to the tent. She seemed to at least get the concept on this one this time. She was actually able to demonstrate some sort of marker control this time. Oh how I love to see her grow!
After the writing control practice to attempted to draw some letters. I drew one to demonstrate and she drew a little scribble and started cheering "I did it!" So I clapped and she was done after that.
I love this one! I handed her the magnets and the magnet page, on the wrong side of the magnet board - which I am just now noticing as I'm typing, and I turned away to wipe off the previous worksheet. When I looked back she had started putting all the magnets on the circles without me even telling her what we were doing! She does do better when I don't give her directions!
Next was Gooba's best activity - size sorting. As usual she was awesome at this activity. No problems here, large to small or small to large.
Next we worked on some patterns. I find that when she has a longer pattern to finish, there is no problem. She has a little trouble with a short pattern. Needless to say, she had no problems with these patterns today.
She loved the next activity, which she has refused to do in the past. I gave her a pattern card and a bunch of little cards and let her just go crazy. She was very interested in the flashlights! She actually played this for quite some time and even relocated it to the ottoman for awhile.
After that it was time for some real fun! We set up a mini water park/campground extravaganza in the front yard. We had a slip and slide which the toddlers LOVED!
We set up a tent for a little bit of shade and to go with our camping theme. Gooba very much loved having the tent set up. It became some sort of obstacle course where they would run into the tent, through the slip and slide, and then dive into the baby pool. Now that's some crazy cousin fun! We also had some oven baked smores a little later for a snack to complete our camping theme. All in all another wonderful day.
Printables borrowed graciously from 1+1+1=1 and Confessions of a Homeschooler.